
Monday, August 27, 2012

Going Glocal

Our class is organizing a marketing forum on Filipinos going global.  Here are the details so far:

Date:  September 29, 2012
Time:  1-5:00pm
Venue:  Ateneo Graduate School of Business Auditorium

We are inviting students, professionals, entrepreneurs, and anyone who is interested to learn about how YOU can become globally competitive.

I will post updates next time as to the speakers, admission fee, registration, etc.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Commercials with a BOOM!

Based on the video we saw in class, commerials should have the Boom Factor.  From what I understand, the Boom Factor is that element that makes your commercial stand out or compels viewers or listeners to look and listen to what you have to say.  We are overwhelmed with information which makes deciding where to eat, what to do, what to watch, and what to buy difficult.  As a marketer, you have to make sure that consumers see and hear you.  Advertisements in print or online and commercials in TV or radio should be different from your competitor.  It should go BOOM! so people will take notice.
We watched commercials by Mountain Dew, Coca-cola, and other big brands. I would like to share the Mountain Dew commercial because I had goosebumps when I first saw it and Bohemian Rhapsody is one of my favorite songs.

Thanks to CulturePub.
They/he/she posts interesting advertising-related videos.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


I took up marketing communications elective this term because the course description mentioned it will help me do better promotion.  And I need help.  Lots of it.

You see, my job requires that I come up with marketing strategies to help our sales representatives in selling.  But my undergrad degree is BS Psychology.  And my previous work was recruitment.  So I need help.  Lots of it.

We've had three meetings so far.  We had report presentations on the various marketing tools like print ads, commercials, websites, blogs, etc.  Very interesting.  I'll share our lessons and my insights in the next posts.